
Free Play Every Day

Get unlimited access to Reclaim Arcade during business hours

Choose Your Term

Choose from monthly, annual, or lifetime membership options

Extra Benefits

Annual and Lifetime members get access to additional guest passes, a free t-shirt, and other discounts.



Enjoy unlimited gaming for one low monthly cost with no long term commitments.



Buy passes for the whole family and save! A family membership provides a discounted monthly rate for 2 adults and 2 children with unlimited arcade entry during business hours. Additional children can be added for $15 per person per month.



You have a love of 80s and all things retro gaming! The annual pass is your ticket to all access at Reclaim Arcade during business hours for a full year from date of purchase. You’ll also receive 2 guest passes per year and a one-time coupon to redeem for any t-shirt in our store.


You are a Reclaim #4lifer and a regular that has their initials on a few games. In addition to a lifetime of free entry to the arcade, lifetime members get 4 guest passes per year, a one-time coupon to redeem for any t-shirt in our store, 10% off all food and beverage, and exclusive invitations to special launch parties for new games.